Alekhya Pande
Alekhya Pande
Associate Urban Planner, CUPP

Alekhya is an architect and urban planner with over two years of professional experience. She holds a Master's degree in Urban Planning from CEPT University and is passionate about understanding the dynamic interaction between urban spaces and built forms to foster sustainable ecosystems. Her focus lies in expanding her expertise in urban planning and policies, aiming to make meaningful contributions to the field.

During her career, Alekhya also worked as a Research student at HCP design, planning and management Pvt Ltd. and spent 1.5 years mentoring postgraduate students as a Teaching Associate at CEPT University.

Currently, Alekhya is an Associate Urban Planner at CUPP, where she contributes to project coordination and stakeholder consultations with government organisations, and provides valuable insights to shape urban planning and design processes.