The Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) undertakes active research, implementation support, and capacity-building initiatives in the field of urban water and sanitation. Acting as a thought catalyst and facilitator, CWAS works closely with city and state governments to support them in delivering water and sanitation services in an efficient, effective, and equitable manner.

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ratified by all member countries, including India.  SDG 6 states “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. CWAS strives to ensure that cities in India are able to meet SDG 6.

The Center was established in 2009 with a pioneering project of performance assessment of water and sanitation service delivery in Indian cities (PAS).  PAS has grown to cover 1000+ cities, enabling informed policy decisions and actions for improvement. Recent work of CWAS includes supporting the Govt. of Maharashtra in implementing the Swachh Bharat Mission. This also entails support to city governments to attain and maintain ‘open defecation free’ status and move beyond toilets to address the entire sanitation service chain including the safe management of wastewater with inclusive service delivery. With water re-emerging as a focus in development discourse, CWAS is also revisiting its efforts in water governance.

Key Themes and Initiatives:

Monitoring: Developing and implementing a Performance Assessment System for urban water and sanitation. More than 1000 cities in India of diverse geography and varied levels of development have used this online system as a self-assessment tool and track their performance level. Various decision support tools and improvement plans have been developed to assist local service providers.

Sanitation: Demonstrating sustainable and equitable sanitation solutions in small and medium cities that are scalable.  Supporting cities to become open defecation free (ODF) and move towards ODF+ and ODF++. Development of policies, guidelines, and strategies for the effective implementation of sanitation programmes at city and state levels.

Water: Conducting studies and preparing tools and service level improvement plans for water-secure cities. Collaborating with partners through a ‘water governance hub’ to provide technical support to local governments and other stakeholders for improved water governance.

Finance: Research and policy advocacy on approaches for strengthening the financial capacity of local governments. Exploring innovative financing methods for investments in urban sanitation.

Equity: Assessing equity in service delivery to urban poor, mainstreaming gender inclusivity in sanitation, and ensuring the safety and dignity of sanitation workers.


Meera Mehta

Meera Mehta

Center Head and Principal Researcher

Meera Mehta is CRDF Professor Emeritus and the Head of the Center for Water and Sanitation. She also contributes to courses at the Faculty of Planning, CEPT University.

She has over 45 years of experience in water, urban development, and infrastructure finance. Her experience spans across countries in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. She served as the Director of the School of Planning at CEPT University before joining USAID’s FIRE-D Project in India, and later the World Bank and its Water and Sanitation Program in Africa. She has consulted for many national and international agencies, including UNICEF, the World Bank, ADB, WaterAid, HIC, Government of the Netherlands. She has written widely and published papers on housing, urban development, water and sanitation, and financing.

She is a member of the steering committee of the National Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (NFSSM) Alliance. She has been a member of the International Advisory Board for the UKRI and GCRF-funded project for Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub, University of Newcastle, since 2020. She is a member of the Project Advisory Board for the USAID-funded Global project on “Urban resilience by building partnerships and applying new evidence in water, sanitation and Hygiene (Urban WASH)” – 2022 to 2026.

She was a board member at IRC, a global not-for-profit organization driving resilient WASH systems, and on the Steering Committee of the Stockholm-based inter-governmental organization Global Water Partnership (GWP). She was a member of the working group of the WHO-UNICEF for post-2015 deliberations for water supply and sanitation. She has been a member of various national and international Technical Committees related to water and sanitation. She was one of the Editors of the IWA’s WASH development journal.

She has studied Architecture and Urban Planning and has a PhD in Economics.

Dinesh  Mehta

Dinesh Mehta

Center Head and Principal Researcher

Dinesh Mehta is a Professor Emeritus and Head of the Center for Water and Sanitation. He has over four decades of experience in urban policy, urban planning management, WASH, and climate, in Asia and Africa.

Dr Mehta was involved in global urban policy and dialogue as the head of the Urban Management Programme at the UN-Habitat headquarters in Nairobi. He also contributed significantly to urban policy formulation by the Government of India, while he was a Director of the National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, India. Dr Mehta was also the Director of the School of Planning at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India during 1986-1992. In 2013, Professor Mehta was awarded the International Water Association’s Development Solutions Award in recognition of his contribution to research and practice in Water. In 2017 he became a fellow of IWA and Chair of their specialist group on water and sanitation in developing countries

Dr Mehta has a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master’s in City and Regional Planning from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, from IIT, Madras, India.



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Contact Us

Center for Water and Sanitation

CEPT University Kasturbhai
Lalbhai Campus, University Road,
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad -
380 009, Gujarat, India
