Suren Vakil
Center Head and Principal Researcher
Suren Vakil is an accomplished professional in infrastructure engineering consultancy with over 35 years of experience in the UK and India. He has a distinguished career managing infrastructure projects, including significant contributions to disaster management after the Gujarat earthquake and developing containers and LNG terminals. His portfolio includes more than 400 projects in over twenty-five countries and technical specialisation in water pollution control and wastewater engineering. Suren has established and led Indian operations for prominent UK-based international companies, Babtie Group and BMT (British Maritime Technology). Throughout his career, he has successfully guided teams in ports, logistics, and environmental sectors. He has vast hands-on experience with PPP infrastructure projects in the UK and India.
He currently serves as the Vice Chairperson of the CEPT Research & Development Foundation. As Vice Chairperson, Suren is responsible for providing strategic leadership and enhancing governance capabilities and operational systems to ensure CRDF delivers high-quality outcomes. He is also committed to promoting and strengthening a culture of research and collaboration within CRDF.
His academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and a Master's in Environmental Engineering from Leeds University. He is a UK-certified chartered engineer and chartered environmental manager and has previously represented the Institution of Civil Engineers in a regional capacity. He also has a Certificate in Company Directorship from the UK Institute of Directors.
Suren has a keen interest in reading history and popular science, and he enjoys capturing moments through amateur photography.