The Center for Urban Planning and Policy (CUPP) undertakes research and analysis to help improve processes and regulatory frameworks for urban land development. It further translates this research into relevant and applicable policy prescriptions towards addressing challenges such as increasing land supply, improving affordability, securing land for public purposes, and establishing clear land rights.

Land and real estate markets play an important role in shaping cities. Urban land is a critical resource to establish efficient and functional markets. Absences of well-functioning markets pose a series of challenges like conflicts, speculation, and affordability gaps. The functioning of these markets is dependent upon land-related policies that manage externalities, create public goods, extract land value gains and provide equitable access to land for the poor. Thus, it is important to systematically study these policies, as well as understand their impact on land and real estate markets. At CUPP, our aim is to advance practice-oriented research in urban land policy that supports economic development and sustainable and equitable urbanisation.

CUPP engages with governments through advisory work and capacity building. It has developed considerable training material in the domains of urban land planning and regulations, housing, and governance, and has also carried out significant inter-state comparative studies on land pooling and readjustment mechanisms, revenue codes and built-form regulations.


Amit  Gotecha

Amit Gotecha

Deputy Center Head

Amit is an urban planner with over 10 years of experience in spatial and research-based urban planning projects.  The spatial planning projects include the preparation of Development Plans, Master Plans and Town Planning Schemes for Special Investment Regions and Urban Areas across India.  Amit has worked on spatial planning projects which include waterfront based urban design and street design projects, and preparation of development control regulations for urban areas.  He has also worked on research-based projects which include a review of housing policies of Gujarat, preparation of Plan of Action for Housing for All, and Manuals for the Preparation of Development Plans, Town Planning Schemes and Local Area Plans for the state of Gujarat.  He has also been a key member of the team in providing technical support for preparation of Land Pooling Policy for the state of Bihar.

Amit is passionate about teaching.  He regularly teaches advanced courses in the Master’s of Urban Planning program at CEPT University, primarily dealing with the Development Plan studio, Urban Expansion and Regeneration Studio and in guiding thesis projects.  He holds a Master’s degree in Planning from CEPT University, Ahmedabad and a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Rajkot.



Accelerated Training Program for Cities
Accelerated Training Program for Cities

2019 - Ongoing | Capacity Building

All Training from CUPP


Making Planning Work
Making Planning Work

Launched June 2020 | 5 Episodes

Urban Planning in India
Urban Planning in India

Launched June 2020 | 15 Episodes

All Podcast from CUPP


All News from CUPP

Contact Us

Center for Urban Planning and Policy

Near AES Boys Hostel Campus,
University Ground, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad - 380 009

Phone: +91 8851420313
Fax: +91 7926302075