Minal Shetty
Minal Shetty
Transport Planner, CoE-UT

Minal Shetty has been working as a Transport Planner at the Center of Excellence in Urban Transport, CRDF, for the past two years. She completed her Master of Planning with a specialization in Urban Transport Systems from CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat and her Bachelor of Architecture from Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Manipal, Karnataka.
Minal’s work is primarily focused on strategic transport planning, modelling, and data analysis. She has been involved in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Greater Ahmedabad team, contributing to the strategic development of the public transport model and implementing data-driven solutions. Her areas of interest include transport modelling, demand management, public transport operations, planning and management, and gender inclusivity. Minal also supports the team with her design skills and organising Urban Transport conferences.
Currently, she is involved in preparing a Gender-Responsive Mobility Plan for Ahmedabad City and is also assisting the centre with recommendations for the High-Level Committee in Urban Planning (Mobility). She was also the Program Ambassador for the Master’s in Urban Transport System, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University in 2023-2024.