Architecture is Climate

Architecture is Climate


Fri, February 23, 2024

05:30 pm

Sagara Basement, CEPT University Campus

Center for Heritage Conservation, CRDF invites you to the open talk by Dr Tatjana Scheider on 23rd February 2024 at Sagara Basement, Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University, from 17.30 hours onwards.

Dr Tatjana Schneider is Professor of Architectural Theory and Head of the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City (GTAS) at the Technical University Braunschweig, Germany.

Her research and teaching are concerned with case studies that call for and promote common good principles and resist violent, exploitative, speculative, and exclusionary productions of space, at the same time addressing the impact of these changes on the profession, practice and education of spatial planners, architects, and city makers to establish other forms of organizing, working, and producing. She is concerned with the social, economic, and political parameters within and through which architectures and cities emerge and with the tools and methods that enable people to intervene transformatively in the production of space.

She was a founding member of the Architectural Workers Cooperative Glasgow Letters on Architecture and Space (2000–2007), which critiqued, on both a theoretical and practical level, capitalist (re)productions and uses of the built environment. She is the author and editor of multiple books, journals and articles on socio-political aspects of the production of architecture and space.

She is currently working on a series of research projects focusing on spatial practice in the face of the climate emergency, most notably Architecture after Architecture. In 2021, Tatjana also ran for mayor of Braunschweig, where she lives. 



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