Thu, October 28, 2021
05:30 pm
Lecture by Minu Agarwal on "Building performance simulation-based design-decisions: The chance and cost of being wrong” organised by Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, Ahmedabad
The ASHRAE 209 standard released in 2018 for the use of building performance simulation tools in building design. This document suggests a departure from prior performance standards and modelling protocols (for example LM-83-12, ASHRAE 90.1). While modelling protocols establish best practice for various model inputs for evaluating performance, the new ASHRAE standard 209 sets requirements for the nature of the analysis that needs to be done before design decisions are made. In this talk, Minu Agarwal shall present the potential benefits such as avoidance of suboptimal design choices by applying greater rigour (as suggested by ASHRAE209) when making design decisions using simulation tools.
Minu Agarwal (PhD) is an Adjunct Assistant professor at CEPT University. She holds a PhD from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland on robust building-design decision making using simulation tools. She also worked as an energy performance specialist for several years on commercial offices and institutional buildings in the US.
Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8607654739840976398