
Mon, October 29, 2018 - Thu, January 01, 1970

10:00 am

Net Zero Energy Building, CEPT University

Center for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) is hosting 7th working phase meeting of International Energy Agency Annex 69 (IEA EBC Annex 69) meeting during 29th and 30th October 2018. The IEA-EBC Programme is an international energy research and innovation programme in the buildings and communities field. It enables collaborative R&D projects among its 24 member countries. IEA-EBC Annex 69 focuses on Strategy and Practice of Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Low Energy Buildings. Experts participating countries such as Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, UK, and Canada will deliberate on topics related to codes and standards for thermal comfort in various countries, exemplary adaptive buildings, personal comfort system, occupant behavior and physiology of human body. Subsequent to the meeting, on 31st October 2018, a symposium on ‘Adaptive Thermal Comfort and Low Energy Cooling’  have been organized. Speakers from various countries will share their ongoing research experiences with participants.

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