Crafts meet Technology

Crafts meet Technology


Sun, December 02, 2012 - Thu, January 01, 1970

Kanoria Centre for Arts, K L Campus, Ahmedabad

'Crafts meet Technology', an exhibition of furniture by Professor Chris Martin, Fullbright-Nehru Fellow 2016. The furniture pieces were made in collaboration with several craftspeople across Gujarat and are an amalgamation of craft skills and contemporary technology.

The exhibition is an outcome of the work done by Chris Martin as part of Fullbright-Nehru research in India and was supported by Design Innovation and Craft Resource Center(DICRC),CEPT University as part of the Craft Innovation Fellowship Program.

Inauguration : 2nd December 2016, 6.00 pm
Venue: Kanoria Centre for Arts, CEPT University, Ahmedabad

The exhibition will be on till 4th December, 7.00 pm.

For more details, visit : |


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