Tue, April 26, 2022
02:00 pm
The Center of Excellence in Urban Transport is working on the project 'Strategy and Action Plan for Electrification of Public Transport and Intermediate Public Transport in the Indian Cities,' which aims to develop a Strategy and Action Plan for the electrification of public transport (PT) and informal public transport services (IPT) in Ahmedabad and Mehsana for the year 2026.
The proposal brings together leading research groups from India and the UK on public transport planning and mobility behavior analysis and technical and policy analysts on renewable energy and electricity grid assessment to develop electrification strategies for PT and IPT in the two cities.
A National Workshop on Electrification of Public Transport and Intermediate Public Transport in Indian Cities – Ahmedabad and Mehsana is organized on Tuesday, 26th April 2022, 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm, to present the work undertaken by CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) along with partners from University of Leeds, UK, Brunel University, UK, and GERMI as part of the UK PACT Project-I 'Strategy and Action Plan for Electrification of Public Transport & Intermediate Public Transport in Indian Cities'.