Open House 2.0 - CEPT Conservation Site School at Tankshal ni Pol Masjid

Open House 2.0 - CEPT Conservation Site School at Tankshal ni Pol Masjid


Wed, December 01, 2021

03:00 pm

On 1st December '21, 'Open House 2.0' was organised at Tankshal ni Pol Majid. The open house was preceded by MCR (Master's in Conservation and Regeneration at FA, CEPT) juries for the group of students that analysed Tankshal this semester, inviting the community around to comment on student's proposals and interventions. The activities planned for the Open House were that of:
1. Presenting the processed 3D Scans: select output data from the '3D LiDAR Scanning Workshop'
2. 'One Year at Site School': presenting our engagement over the last year
3. 15-minute film on Counter Spaces: video for Our World Heritage that won an Honorable Mention
4. MCR - Mapping and Analysing Tankshal: student work of the Urban Regeneration Studio, FA, CEPT

The event had limited seats and registrations were on a first come first basis. Further, we strictly followed COVID Protocols. All visitors were urged to wear a mask and practice social distancing while on site. The Open House was from 3pm to 6pm IST for external visitors. Pictures by P.Baghel, Z.Pithawalla, S.P.Raiker, N.Shaikh, and D.Varghese.

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