PAS@10 - Ten Years of PAS Project

PAS@10 - Ten Years of PAS Project


Thu, June 20, 2019 - Mon, November 30, -0001

10.00 AM

Auditorium , CEPT University

Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) at CEPT has been working on urban water and sanitation related action research since 2009. CWAS began its work when CEPT University received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Performance Assessment System (PAS) Project.

PAS project at CEPT University has developed an online system, methods and processes for performance assessment and improvement for urban water supply and sanitation in India. This work is aligned with the Government of India’s Service Level Benchmarking(SLB) framework. This is stipulated as one of the requirements by the 14 th Finance Commission for award of performance grants to ULBs. Service level monitoring and improvement are also the envisaged outcomes of Government of India’s various urban programs like AMRUT and SMART cities. Many states have now institutionalized the process of collection of information for SLBs.

In 2009, this system was initiated in 400 cities in two states of India. Today it is used by 900+ Indian cities in five states of India. It is one of the largest Urban Water and Sanitation database in India and is used by various governments and other institutions.

After ten years of PAS activities, it is time to reflect on what has been achieved, the impact it has made and the lessons that we can draw. The consultative workshop is organised to bring together national, state and city government officials, financing institutions, consulting firms, academicians and CWAS partners.

An accompanying exhibition at the Sagara Basement provides a glimpse into the work done by the CWAS team over the last decade.

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