Risk Assessment of Cultural Heritage

Risk Assessment of Cultural Heritage


Sat, October 31, 2020

02:00 pm

Zoom Meeting


Cultural heritage properties are indispensable resources of knowledge that reflect traditional construction practices, social values, beliefs, ways of life, local histories and identities. These properties are often exposed to various natural and man-made hazards ranging from calamitous disasters such as floods and earthquakes to gradual processes of deterioration or weathering posing risks of irreparable damage and loss. It has therefore become imperative for conservation practice to focus on preventive rather than remedial methods of safeguarding cultural heritage. Risk assessment is a preliminary step towards developing an effective risk management system that involves evaluation of potential risks that may affect the property and the magnitude of these risks.

The webinar on "Risk Assessment of Cultural Heritage" aims to introduce participants to methods and strategic tools applied for risk assessment of cultural heritage properties as part of a holistic outlook towards approaches to heritage conservation. It will expose participants to the importance of risk assessment as an effective tool for the conservation, management and maintenance of historic sites.


Tiago Miguel Ferreira

Keynote Speaker | ISISE, University of Minho, Portugal

Arun Menon

Associate Professor of Structural Engineering, IIT Madras

Rohit Jigyasu

Project Manager, ICCROM

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

Director, Archinova Environs | Coordinator NSC-Risk Preparedness, ICOMOS

Organised for:

  • Students of Masters in Conservation and Regeneration, CEPT University
  • Students of architecture and heritage conservation
  • Young professionals working in the field of heritage conservation

Organised by:

  • Conservation Frameworks Studio of Masters in Conservation and Regeneration, Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University
  • Center for Heritage Conservation (CHC) at CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)

To register for the webinar, visit: (registration link)

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the meeting link.

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