Thermal Performance of Walling Materials & Walling Technologies

Thermal Performance of Walling Materials & Walling Technologies


Thu, July 09, 2020

03:00 pm


In 2018, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)Govt. of India launched the Eco- Niwas Samhita (ENS), which is the Energy Conservation Building Code for residential buildings. Part I of ENS deals with the building envelope. One of the main aims of the code is to limit heat transmission through the building envelope and hence improve thermal comfort and reduce the energy required for space cooling or heating. For cooling dominated climates, ENS defines Residential Envelope Transmittance Value (RETV) which is a measure of the net heat gain rate from the building envelope. RETV is heavily influenced by the U-vale (heat transmittance) of the external wall. The accurate computation of U-value of the external wall is essential for checking compliance with ENS. Presently, ENS provides reference values for a few types of bricks, that needs to be expanded given the diversity of walling material and walling technologies used in India.

To fill this gap, a two-part project was jointly undertaken by the Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) at CEPT University and Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt Ltd (GKSPL) to build a database of thermo-physical properties of walling materials and walling technologies. The methodology and the test results of the two research studies will be shared and discussed in the webinar. The research work was supported by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.

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