CARBSE hosts annual BEEP Camp 2019

CARBSE hosts annual BEEP Camp 2019

Thu, December 26, 2019 Workshop

Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) hosted annual "The Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Camp" (BEEP Camp) during 15th - 22nd Dec 2019. The BEEP Camp is an intensive immersion experience, designed to enable learning in the domain of building energy efficiency and the integrated design process. BEEP Camp reinforces the fundamentals of building physics, passive strategies, thermal comfort, cooling processes, ventilation, daylighting, building simulation and monitoring. 50 students and fresh graduates of architecture, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering participated in the camp. Participants attended expert lecture sessions, tutorials, group exercises, and field visits. The BEEP camp also includes soft skills sessions on team-work and effective communication. The faculty pool consists of technical experts and soft skill trainers from India and Switzerland.

Honorable Ambassador and Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland to India and Bhutan,  Dr. Andreas Baum, visited CEPT University during the BEEP camp. He visited CEPT Campus, Net Zero Energy Building and Interacted with BEEP Camp participants.

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