CARBSE to install scaled simulation of refrigeration cycle

 CARBSE to install scaled simulation of refrigeration cycle

Tue, June 11, 2019 Research

The Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) in association with ASHRAE Western India Chapter (ASHRAE-WIC) is establishing a scaled working model of vapor compression refrigeration cycle as a learning tool for young air conditioning professionals and students inclined towards understanding building energy performance and human thermal comfort. Conventionally knowledge on air conditioning and refrigeration gets delivered in a classroom environment using equations, diagrams, and photographs. This setup to be established at the at Net Zero Energy Building at CEPT University will allow students to simulate real-world dynamic conditions, which are often different from theoretical estimates. It is expected to demonstrate complex functioning and interaction of various refrigeration components. The setup will also continuously display real-time calculations of key metrics such as instantaneous power use and coefficient of performance (COP) of cooling systems.

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