Tue, November 30, 2021 Research
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE), CRDF at CEPT University, in collaboration with Respirer Living Sciences Pvt. Ltd (RLS), develops a cost-effective and scalable thermal comfort and indoor environmental quality monitoring system. The system monitors thermal comfort parameters such as air temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity; simultaneously, it measures Carbon Dioxide, Total Volatile Organic Compounds in the air, PM10, PM2.5, GPS-based location tracking and other associated parameters. The system uses real-time data transmission using WiFi and cellular communication. It is integrated with a GIS/spatial and temporal web-analytics dashboard for real-time data viewing, it also supports the data formats required for advanced research. The system meets the requirements prescribed by international organizations such as the American Society of Heating Refrigerating Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA).
In the context of frequent heat waves, deteriorating indoor and outdoor air quality, the developed system will help find contextual solutions to ensuring comfortable and healthy indoors. CARBSE and RLS intend to deploy these systems in commercial and residential settings to quantify and help optimize their thermal comfort and indoor air quality.