CUPP and GIZ conduct trainings for Kerala and Odisha

CUPP and GIZ conduct trainings for Kerala and Odisha

Fri, August 06, 2021 Training Program

As part of the Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities (SUD-SC) project, the Center for Urban Planning and Policy (CUPP) and GIZ India has a mandate to conduct six training programs covering the thematic areas of Urban Planning, Urban Infrastructure and Affordable Housing.  The audience includes Government officials, professionals and academicians from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Odisha. Over 80 participants attended the first training session between 15th and 17th July on 'Sustainable Urban Infrastructure', a subject area that covered strategies for implementation of Nature based Solutions (NbS) in Indian cities.  This was organised in partnership with PMCA Cuttack, IIA and ITPI Odisha Regional Chapter.  CUPP conducted a second program on 'Sustainable Urban Planning' in partnership with C-HED and Kochi Municipal Corporation on 28th and 29th July.  Attended by nearly 100 participants, this training focused on the learning of key planning tools, mechanisms, and integration strategies for various levels of plans.

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