CWAS at Stockholm World Water Week 2019

CWAS at Stockholm World Water Week 2019

Wed, September 11, 2019 Conferences

Meera Mehta, Dinesh Mehta and Aditi Dwivedi from the Center for Water and Sanitation(CWAS) participated in the World Water Week held in August in Stockholm. The World Water Week, organized annually by the by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is the world’s most influential movement inspiring innovation and collaboration towards addressing global water and sanitation challenges. The CWAS team spoke at multiple sessions and contributed to critical dialogues on sustainable and inclusive sanitation and leveraging innovative financing tools to boost investment in the water and sanitation sector in India. The CWAS team also showcased development and achievements of the urban WASH performance assessment system (PAS) that introduced an IT-enabled online system of measuring performance on key water and sanitation indicators. The system has been adopted by 900+ Indian cities in five states and is expected to scale further.  Read more about the sessions:

PAS@10: Sustaining IT enabled WASH performance assessment system
Development Impact Bonds for Urban Sanitation in India
Transforming societies to meet the SDGs: The role of finance