Dr. Dinesh Mehta speaks about safe sanitation practices and inclusive FSSM plans in Maharashtra

Dr. Dinesh Mehta speaks about safe sanitation practices and inclusive FSSM plans in Maharashtra

Fri, November 26, 2021 Publications

Dr. Dinesh Mehta, Executive Director, the Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS), CRDF spoke about CWAS' experiences in Wai and Sinnar cities in Maharashtra. He spoke about how cities are moving beyond toilets and achieving the ODF++ status with the implementation of citywide inclusive FSSM. 

The excerpts published in The Times of India mentions about the National Faecal Sludge Septage Management (NFSSM) Alliance and the launch of a comprehensive infographic web platform.  The platform highlights India's FSSM journey and throws light on states that have done quality work towards safe and sustainable sanitation practices.

Dr. Mehta, a member of the NFSSM Alliance speaking about Wai and Sinnar, which achieved ODF++ status, said "An innovative aspect of the plan is scheduled de-sludging on a three-year cycle. Before the cities implemented scheduled de-sludging, most of the septic tanks were de-sludged only once in 8-10 years or when they became full and overflowed."

"It is now, that for the first time in India an effort to de-sludge septic tanks regularly, is being provided as a municipal service by both these cities through engagement with the private sector," Dr. Mehta said.  Dr. Mehta also spoke about the treatment of the collected septage and how the by-products are reused for landscaping and urban forest for women self-help groups.

CWAS supports the Maharashtra state government in implementing the FSSM strategy and achieving safe-sanitation practices.

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