Dr. Shalini Sinha joined panel discussion on sustainable and green mobility at the 14th Urban Mobility Conference

Dr. Shalini Sinha joined panel discussion on sustainable and green mobility at the 14th Urban Mobility Conference

Tue, November 02, 2021 Conferences

Dr. Shalini Sinha, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence in Urban Transport (CoE-UT), CRDF, joined as a panelist in the session “Sustainable and Green Mobility” of the 14th Urban Mobility Conference 2021 held on 29th October 2021. Dr. Sinha delivered a presentation on “The Need of Recalibrating Comprehensive Mobility Plans (CMP) in India.” She highlighted that the country is transforming towards the adoption of cleaner fuel technologies with the support of Central and State Government. She emphasized the existing CMP framework need to be recalibrated to achieve sustainable mobility goals.

Dr. Sinha presented glimpses of City Electric Mobility Strategy (CEMS) which need to be incorporated while preparing of CMP. CEMS will provide a framework for the development of sustainable mobility, energy strategies along with identification of action areas. It will also consist of the methodology for carrying out the preparedness assessment for electric mobility in the respective city.

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