Tue, August 27, 2019 Others

Environmental Design solutions (EDS) organized a study tour of Center for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) ,CEPT University. 60 participants, who were part of the tour, studied CARBSE, which operates as a net-zero energy building (NZEB), clocking an EPI of 25.4 kWh/sqm/year in 2017-18. The goal of this study tour was to discuss practical steps involved in design and operation of NZEBs, recognize various passive and active strategies for reducing building energy demand for Indian conditions, identify high-performance building systems, understand system integration and controls and interact with design and facility team.

The CARBSE building uses a combination of active and passive strategies, on-site Solar PV system, rigorous monitoring, data analysis and integrated controls, and has been operating at its highest efficiency since the past three years. As a living laboratory, it provides invaluable lessons in designing, constructing and operating a net-zero energy facility.

Environmental Design solutions (EDS), under the USAID-led Market Integration and Transformation for Energy Efficiency (MAITREE) program, organized this study tour. MAITREE is a four-year bilateral program with the Ministry of Power that supports efforts for moving towards a super-efficient and net-zero energy target for new buildings. EDS is the implementing partner of this program.

MAITREE, a program led by USAID as an extension of the larger US-India bilateral Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) initiative, accelerates the adoption of cost-effective energy efficiency as a standard practice within buildings and specifically focuses on cooling. The program supports the uptake of cutting-edge technologies, innovative business models, and promotes end-user engagement for large scale interventions to accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency strategies and technologies.