Kolhapur implements scheduled desludging with CWAS support

Kolhapur implements scheduled desludging with CWAS support

Thu, October 14, 2021 Advisory

CWAS supports Kolhapur municipal corporation (KMC) for Faecal Sludge and Septage Management activities as part of its sanitation project funded by the H T Parekh Foundation.  One of the key activities under this project is implementing scheduled desludging in the city.  For this, citywide FSSM assessments were done and a route plan was prepared for piloting it in one zone of the city.  The project has also supported the procurement of two suction trucks for this purpose.  After extensive training of KMC staff and IEC activities with citizens in the pilot zone, the city has begun scheduled desludging services in a pilot zone.  KMC is using digital monitoring systems for these operations.

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