Fri, July 03, 2020 Publications
'Center for Heritage Conservation (CHC) has launched the Ahmedabad Cross Section through an event - 'Making of Ahmedabad Cross Section' on 3rd July 2020 at 5.30 pm. The Leporello book, which is 9 metres long when unfolded, is a physical cross-section of the historic and recently developed parts of the city. The Leporello, first prepared for Archipix, is now published by CEPT Press with support from Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited (TCGL). Curated and Edited by Jigna Desai and Inigo Cornago Bonal, the publication will help understand, study and explore Ahmedabad city for anyone wanting to know it a bit better. The cross-section, drawn by Tanvi Jain and Chandani Patel, includes commentary and opinions from a diverse section of the city’s population, opining on the state life, livability, culture, urbanity, and practice, supported by relevant data, gathered by Sneh Salot and Tanya Shah. It also includes articles by Abrar Ali Saiyed, Ester David, Gauri Bharat, Persis Ginwala, Rutul Joshi, Vishwanath Kashikar and Uday and Mausami Andhare. Tridip Suhrud, Provost, CEPT University.
Get your copy today by placing your orders on cept.press@cept.ac.in
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Watch the launch video here.