Sat, July 06, 2019 Research
Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Seaport in Thiruvananthapuram District in Kerala has recently been accorded a Minor Port status. This development is bound to have a significant impact on the surrounding area in terms of induced pressure on infrastructure and new demand for housing and amenities. The Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd (VISL), a Government of Kerala undertaking engaged the Center for Urban Planning and Policy (CUPP) to prepare an integrated master plan for the influence area with the goal of ensuring planned development in the region. The plan prepared in close consultation with senior government stakeholders has been submitted for approval by the Government of Kerala and is expected to be notified soon. The CUPP team also presented the planning process and outcomes at a conference organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on Port-Led Industrialisation & Community Development.