Fri, June 24, 2022 Workshop
The Center of Excellence in Urban Transport (CoE-UT) organized a national-level workshop for disseminating the study approach, findings, and proposals of the UK PACT project. Conducted in two sessions, the workshop had PT Electrification Strategy for Ahmedabad and IPT Electrification Strategy for Mahesana. Around 62 Members from public and private bodies such as AMC, RMC, Govt of Gujarat, CRUT, Ola, GIZ, ERI, SVNIT and SPA-Delhi took part in this workshop.
The project team presented an overview of the cities; an inclusive approach for formulation strategy; an analysis of operations, its economic, contracting practice and power flow; and the strategy and action plan for electrification of PT and IPT. Panel discussions took place after each session with Urban Transport experts from WRI, GIZ, SVNIT and KMTA. Collectively, the workshop contemplated the scaling up of the electrification initiative and its replication across other similar cities in India.