One year of instituting safe septage management in Wai

One year of instituting safe septage management in Wai

Tue, June 11, 2019 Research

The Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) has been supporting the Swachh Maharashtra Mission. Under this engagement CWAS provided technical advisory services to the City of Wai in preparing and implementing a comprehensive Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) Plan. The FSSM strategy included instituting scheduled de-sludging of septic tanks as a municipal service and constructing and operationalizing a sludge treatment plant. May 2019 marked a full year of successful operations of this service. Till date 4.8 Million litres of septage from septic tanks (which otherwise would have been disposed off in dumping grounds or water bodies) has been removed, safely treated and disposed. The Center is now conducting research to study and establish the impact of such operations on the health of water bodies and ground water quality in the city.

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