Prof. Rajan Rawal joins the elite group of ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (ASHRAE DL)

Prof. Rajan Rawal joins the elite group of ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (ASHRAE DL)

Thu, April 01, 2021 Others

Prof. Rajan Rawal has been selected by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) as an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer (ASHRAE DL).  The purpose of the ASHRAE DL program is to provide 180 ASHRAE Chapters situated in 132 countries, their student branches, neighbouring universities, and other organization to collaborate, hear and interact with outstanding speakers on subjects related to Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC-R). 

On invitation, Prof. Rawal will be sharing his knowledge on the topics of Theories and Practices of Adaptive Human Thermal Comfort, Personalized Comfort Systems and Net Zero Energy Building and Communities to ASHRAE Chapters.  In 2020, Prof. Rawal was honoured by ASHRAE with Fellow status. 

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