Summer school on geospatial technologies

Summer school on geospatial technologies

Sat, July 06, 2019 Workshop

The Center for Applied Geomatics(CAG) designed and led a 21-Days 'Summer School on Geospatial Technologies' for government officials, academia and researchers from May 15th to June 5th, 2019. The training was organized under the aegis of the Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS), a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional R&D program of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. NRDMS aims at promoting use of spatial data management and analysis technologies in planning and implementation of  Government led developmental schemes at various levels. The summer school curriculum was designed to impart fundamental training on open-source geospatial software such as QGIS, SAGA and WebGIS. The training facilitated hands-on engagement on softwares and encouraged participants to develop projects in their respective areas of enquiry, which were presented before jury members from DST and CEPT University.

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