Supporting sustainable septage management in Sinnar

 Supporting sustainable septage management in Sinnar

Sat, April 06, 2019 Research

The Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) has been supporting the Government of Maharasthra in implementing the Swaccha Bharat Mission in urban areas of the State. A key component of this engagement is to support city governments in attaining and maintaining an 'open defecation free' status. The goal is to move beyond construction of toilets and address the entire sanitation value chain including safe management and disposal of septage. With support from the CWAS, Sinnar, a small town in Maharashtra has taken concrete steps in this direction. The Sinnar Council has launched scheduled septic tank emptying services, and has also invested its own resources to construct a 70 KLD capacity fecal sludge treatment plant. The plant was inaugurated on March 3, 2019 in presence of 500 women members of local self-help groups who will become partners in furthering access to improved sanitation in the city. 

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