Technical Support Unit for Swachh Maharashtra

Technical Support Unit for Swachh Maharashtra

Mon, January 06, 2020 Advisory

CWAS supports the Govt of Maharashtra with implementation of the Swachh Maharashtra Mission. In the first stage of the Government’s strategy for state-wide faecal sludge and septage management, the state government directed 56 cities to take up co-treatment of collected faecal sludge at own or nearby STPs. Next, FSTP technology was identified and 311 cities are in the process of constructing their own FSTPs. Divisional workshops were conducted across all divisions of Maharashtra, namely Amravati, Aurangabad, Konkan, Nagpur, Nasik and Pune between the 21st and 30th of November by CWAS, CRDF in partnership with the Department of Urban Development at GoM. 800+ city officials were trained in ODF++ preparedness through operationalizing faecal sludge treatment plants and improving desludging services. 

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