Wai, with CWAS, completes 3-year desludging cycle

Wai, with CWAS, completes 3-year desludging cycle

Fri, February 18, 2022 Advisory

After becoming the first city in India in 2019 to implement scheduled desludging, Wai with the Center for Water and Sanitation's (CWAS) support completed its first three-year cycle of desludging.  The service covered 6800+ properties and 3600+ septic tanks with a 95% acceptance rate of these services. 19 million litres of septage was safely delivered to, treated and reused at the city's Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant.  The achievement has served as a model for sustainable and inclusive sanitation solutions for Indian cities.  The model is equitable and inclusive as it covers all areas in Wai including slum households. CWAS, through a series of projects by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, supports Wai Municipal Council.  CWAS' experiences from Wai have become part of policy in Maharashtra and at the national level.

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