‘Water Sensitive Cities: Framing the transition challenge’ organised under the Water4Change project

‘Water Sensitive Cities: Framing the transition challenge’ organised under the Water4Change project

Tue, June 21, 2022 Workshop

Water4Change is a five-year (2019–2024) research project to formulate an integrative and fit-for-purpose water-sensitive design framework for secondary Indian cities. It’s a research collaboration to stimulate long-term research on urban water management systems between the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Govt. of Netherlands. CEPT University, represented by the Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS) is a partner institution in the project. Dr Mona Iyer is one of the principal investigators in the project.

The project has three case study cities – Bhuj, Bhopal and Kozhikode. Workshops were organised in these three cities. The CEPT team was the main organiser of the ‘Water Sensitive Cities: Framing the transition challenge’ workshop in Bhuj. It was organised in hybrid mode (both virtual and in-person) on 1st February 2022. 

It focused on generating an in-depth understanding of the problems, conditions and elements contributing to the problem and solutions. Participants included stakeholders who would play an instrumental role in the planning and governance of Bhuj. The CEPT Water4Change team also supported in the organisation of the workshops held in Bhopal on 22nd February 2022 - hybrid mode and Kozhikode on 5th March 2022 – in-person workshop.

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