Executive Program in Sustainable Transport: A Capacity-Building Program by MoHUA

Executive Program in Sustainable Transport: A Capacity-Building Program by MoHUA

Project details



Capacity Building


The CoE-UT implemented an Executive Program in Sustainable Transport, a capacity-building initiative by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India. The program aimed to enhance the capacities of in-service transport professionals at the state and city levels. Supported by GIZ, it had the Institute of Urban Transport (IUT) and the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) as knowledge partners

The program comprised two key components:

  1. Active Learning Workshop (January 2021): A six-day workshop covering a range of topics, starting with an overview of urban transport and addressing key areas such as active mobility planning, urban streets, public transport, land-use and transport integration, demand management, and financing mechanisms.
  2. Action Learning Project (January–May 2021): Participants undertook transport projects in their respective cities, aligning with their current areas of work.

Around 28 officials participated in the capacity-building program. The program successfully sensitised participants to emerging areas and sub-sectors in transport.

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