HSBC, Sinnar Municipal Council
2018 - 2021
Capacity Building,Research
Sinnar is one of the cities supported by the Center for Water and Sanitation for sanitation interventions since 2013. In 2017, the city became ODF and was already working on plans to set up a Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) and scheduled desludging services for all septic tanks in the city. This project, funded through a CSR grant by HSBC, was intended to demonstrate CSR's role towards enhancing sanitation investments already made by the town instead of the typical investments for infrastructure construction. It provided support for sustaining ODF status and operationalizing ODF+/++. The ODF-Sustainability component included activities for improved coverage of individual household toilets, school sanitation and public toilets. In contrast, the ODF+/++ component consisted of activities for monitoring desludging, FSTP enhancement, greywater management and management of future corpus funds.