Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Greater Ahmedabad

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Greater Ahmedabad

Project details

Agence Française De Développement (AFD) And Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)


Advisory Projects


The Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport (CoE-UT), CRDF, CEPT University in collaboration with Transitec, France has been awarded the project of preparing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Greater Ahmedabad. This project is supported by French Development Agency (AFD) as a part of Mobilise Your City (MYC) initiative. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) and Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA) are the implementing agency for the project. As a part of this plan, the Greater Ahmedabad Study Region (GASR) comprises of areas under AMC, AUDA, GMC, GUDA, and few other urban centers surrounding Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar such as Bavla-changoder and Kadi etc.

The SUMP-CMP project will have a 3-stage process: Diagnosis, Visioning, and Action Plan. This will include updating the vision for urban mobility and elaborating actions and measures at different scales (Metropolitan region, Development Area, Metropolitan level, and city level) with the following objectives:

(i) Developing safe and sustainable mobility solutions that contribute towards economic development and improve the overall quality of life of the citizens;
(ii) Providing an integrated public transport system including last-mile connectivity to enhance the accessibility of people and make public transport a preferred mode;
(iii) Ensuring gender-inclusive mobility solutions to improve the mode share of Public Transport and active mobility modes;
(iv) Using advanced technology applications as mobility solutions to improve efficiency and performance of systems and enhance travel experience;
(v) Providing green and low carbon mobility by promoting active mobility, cleaner fuel, and technology options.



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