Training Programme on TOD and MMI for Transport Agencies in Bengaluru

Training Programme on TOD and MMI for Transport Agencies in Bengaluru

Project details

Asian Development Bank (ADB) And Directorate Of Urban Land Transport (DULT)

2019- Ongoing

Capacity Building


The city of Bengaluru is planning to develop a new model for sustainable redevelopment and growth for Bengaluru city with technical assistance (TA) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This includes expansion of the metro system and implementing Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Multimodal Integration (MMI) in the city.

To support the city in this endeavour, ADB and Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) is supporting capacity building programs with CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) for Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) and other transport agencies in the city. The objective of the capacity-building program is to create, enhance and develop capacity at the institutional level to plan and design, and supervise the implementation of TOD and MMI.

As part of this capacity building initiative, CRDF has prepared a manual titled “Planning, Design and Implementation of Multimodal Integration and Transit-Oriented Development for Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)” in 2020.  

The capacity building workshops has been planned in three sections – Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3. A practice-oriented approach has been adopted to design these Modules and sessions and hands -on exercises have been customised in the context of Bengaluru.  Module 1 was delivered between 14th -24th September 2021 and 12th – 22nd October. The sessions were held online owing to COVID-19 situation and was attended by 33 officials from across 15 agencies in Bengaluru. The sessions focused on basic concepts, along with theoretical aspects and planning principles of TOD and MMI.

Module 2 is being planned to be delivered in Bengaluru between 7th-12th November 2022 and Module 3 is planned to be delivered early next year. Modules 2 and 3 will focus on planning and implementation of TOD and MMI to equip participants with knowledge regarding “what to do” and “how to proceed” when planning for TOD and MMI.